HomeAI TechnologyIncredible AI Discovering Secrets through Advanced Deceptio Technology

Incredible AI Discovering Secrets through Advanced Deceptio Technology


Artificial Intelligence Exposes Liars: New Startup Can Determine the Truthfulness of Statements

Get ready, folks, because there’s a new AI in town! Deceptio.AI, a startup based in St. Petersburg, has launched a groundbreaking program that can analyze statements made by people and determine whether they’re telling the truth or spinning a web of lies. This cutting-edge technology is set to revolutionize industries such as law enforcement, security, and human resources.

The brainchild of serial entrepreneur Mark Carson, Deceptio.AI is a result of years of research and collaboration with experts in the field of statement analysis. Carson, driven by the need to forecast his sales accurately, delved deep into the world of deceptive language. And boy, did he hit the jackpot!

With Deceptio.AI, clients simply input statements into the program and let the AI work its magic. The program then analyzes the verbiage and phrases used, providing a probability of truthfulness. Anything that falls below 85% is flagged as highly deceptive. It’s like having a seasoned analyst right at your fingertips!

But who can benefit from this game-changing technology? According to Carson, the answer is everyone! From law enforcement agencies looking to identify or eliminate suspects to corporations seeking trustworthy individuals for sensitive positions, Deceptio.AI has you covered. In a world filled with misinformation, trust is more crucial than ever before.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: Does Deceptio.AI replace human analysts? Fear not, my friends! Carson assures us that this program doesn’t take away any jobs. Instead, it empowers companies without dedicated analyst positions to enhance their ability to detect deception. So, rest assured that the professionals in the field will still have a place in this AI-driven world.

If you’re as fascinated by this groundbreaking technology as we are, head over to Deceptio.AI’s website and see for yourself. And don’t forget to share your thoughts with us! Could this be the future of detecting lies, or is it just a passing fad? Leave a comment below and let’s spark a lively discussion!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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