HomeAI TechnologyRevolutionizing Science: How AI Empowers Big Tech's Dominance!

Revolutionizing Science: How AI Empowers Big Tech’s Dominance!

The future of science is being shaped by artificial intelligence (AI), especially with the development of advanced AI systems like GPT-4. However, there is concern that only a few large companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Apple will dominate the market due to their scale and power. This raises questions about who will own the knowledge generated by AI systems and who will benefit from it.

AI has the potential to become an “intelligent” scientist that surpasses human knowledge by sourcing all relevant scientific literature in a specific field. This could lead to the discovery of new cures and medical treatments that may be patented, advancing science and supporting new research avenues. However, the ownership of this AI-created “meta science” and “meta knowledge” is a topic that needs to be addressed.

The impact of AI on science will be tremendous, as it can solve problems that were previously beyond the reach of human scientists. Advanced language models and AI-supported analysis of scientific data can assist researchers in designing their own studies and literature searches. This will also provide evaluators and referees with new tools to assess proposals and publications.

The use of AI in scientific development raises concerns about ownership. The most advanced AI systems will be controlled by a few actors who may claim ownership of this “meta” science. Although research publications are protected by copyright, it may be easy to bypass copyright laws and access the information in different ways. Strong technical capacity, which companies like Microsoft and Apple possess, will determine access to scientific literature.

If policies are not put in place to regulate access to AI-based scientific meta knowledge, we may see a concentration of power in the hands of a few global actors. Governments and scientific communities need to create policies to ensure that AI-powered scientific advancements are within the public domain and not controlled by private entities.

Although governments, such as the European Union, have started considering these issues, there is a need for the creation of an independent platform to develop meta knowledge and meta science. This platform should be open to the science community and the public, emphasizing open science and open innovation. Additionally, a regulatory framework should be established to govern how private actors can access and use scientific literature.

In conclusion, it is crucial to address the ownership and regulation of AI-generated scientific knowledge to ensure that it benefits society as a whole. The EU has the potential to take a leading role in creating policies that safeguard AI-powered scientific advancements and prioritize the interests of the public.

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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