HomeAI TechnologyAI's Shocking Secrets: False Medical Claims and Amazon's Game-Changing Companion!

AI’s Shocking Secrets: False Medical Claims and Amazon’s Game-Changing Companion!

H2: DreamGF.ai Offers Taylor Swift $2 Million to Become Virtual Girlfriend!

In a shocking turn of events, AI app DreamGF.ai has made a jaw-dropping offer to none other than Taylor Swift herself. The app is willing to pay the pop superstar a whopping $2 million to use her likeness on its platform. But what exactly does DreamGF.ai do? Well, it allows users to interact with AI-generated chatbot-style girlfriends and even create content with their likenesses. Talk about taking things to a whole new level!

H2: Outraged Authors Demand Justice as AI Trains on Their Books Without Consent

Imagine pouring your heart and soul into writing a book, only to have it used without your consent to train an AI system. That’s exactly what has authors up in arms. Nearly 200,000 books are being utilized to train AI through the controversial Books3 system, and it’s leaving authors feeling angry and helpless. They argue that their works hold immense personal value and that this unauthorized use in AI training is nothing short of theft. Legal action is now being taken against companies like Meta for this contentious practice.

H2: AI-Generated ‘Doctors’ Busted for Peddling False Medical Claims on Social Media

Don’t believe everything you read online, especially when it comes to AI-generated doctors on social media. These sneaky bots have been caught spreading false medical advice, tricking unsuspecting users into believing their claims. One Facebook bot even claimed that chia seeds could cure diabetes, but there’s no scientific evidence to back up this outrageous assertion. It’s not just false information these AI-generated “doctors” are peddling; they’re also featuring counterfeit doctors in their deceptive videos. Scary stuff, right?

H2: Uttar Pradesh Govt Gives Approval to Over 100 AI and Blockchain Research Studies

The Uttar Pradesh government is making waves in the world of technology with its recent approval of over 100 research studies involving artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies. These studies, conducted by prestigious educational institutions like IIT-Kanpur, aim to develop applications for various sectors, including healthcare and renewable energy. From early throat cancer detection to specialized wheelchairs for people with disabilities, these innovative proposals are set to revolutionize the way we live.

H2: Alexa Gets a Makeover: Your Friendly AI Companion

We all know and love Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa, but now she’s getting a makeover. At a recent product event, Amazon showcased Alexa’s enhanced conversational abilities, making her more friendly and personalized than ever before. Executives demonstrated how AI upgrades are turning Alexa into not just a helpful assistant, but also a friendly and personable companion. With interactions full of pleasantries and personalized preferences, Alexa is here to make your life easier and more enjoyable.

And that’s not all! We want to hear from you. What are your thoughts on AI apps, AI-generated doctors, or the new and improved Alexa? Comment below and let us know your opinions. Don’t miss out on the latest tech news – follow our WhatsApp channel: .

Get ready to dive into the world of AI with a different perspective, intriguing stories, and a dash of tabloid journalism. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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