HomeAI TechnologyDiscover How Teachers Are Revolutionizing Education with AI!

Discover How Teachers Are Revolutionizing Education with AI!


Award-winning singer? Check. A friend of countless laughs, and hours spent in front of a screen? Double check. But a music teacher dreaming up new and innovative ways to make the grade? In Blaine, this isn’t science fiction, it’s science fact!You can knock on Daryl Boeckers’s metal door at Blaine High, and he may tell you that times are a-changing. The singing of a magpie is replaced with the hum of artificial intelligence.

Making the notes dance like no one’s business

In with the new—artificial intelligence is changing the way that teachers rethink the way they are learning. The courageous new approach by Blaine High School vocal music educator Alyssa Ellson is no shortcut. “We went from sheet music on our own page, to together with our images and then eventually, we reduced the images until we were down to nothing. And completely memorized!”

This booming way of learning has helped her class to memorize No-Surprise-Here-Prince’s “1999.” It’s outstanding! In fact, her students remembered the song even better and quicker than before. And the best part? Artificial intelligence is only beginning to carve a place for itself in the classroom, with numerous other educators also taking advantage of its possibilities. Twin Cities, hold on to your hats because the Anoka-Hennepin School District’s showing us how to master the artificial!

A moral dilemma students and educators are tackling

While AI is quickly becoming a captain in ed-tech, Daryl Boeckers, one of Blaine High School’s beloved technology coordinators reminds people that with great power comes great responsibility. “It is this really lovely tool that has two sides to it,” he said. Using artificial intelligence is much more than Siri’s cousin making our to-do lists or setting alarms, it’s first essential for educators. They’re using it to help students not cheat, ensuring that morals and ethics stay in the classroom. Implementing AI into the classroom is one big step forward especially when it can enable students to develop their creativity. Teaching no longer plays a one-hit wonder but rather an orchestra of innovation.

Our call to you

What’s your take on AI in the classroom? How do you see this impact our education system? Share your thoughts and feelings with us!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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