HomeAI NewsEU's AI Act negotiations stalled over crucial foundation models

EU’s AI Act negotiations stalled over crucial foundation models

EU’s AI Rulebook in Jeopardy: Can We Save It?

The summit on the EU’s AI regulation floundered last Friday, putting the whole bill at risk. The AI Act would have been a crucial step in regulating Artificial Intelligence, but big EU countries are throwing a wrench into the works.

The key issue at stake appears to be the rules surrounding foundation models, which have been a bone of contention among EU policymakers. There was a tentative agreement to introduce a tiered approach to regulate different types of AI models, but this has met with heavy opposition from several major European nations.

Leading the charge against regulation for foundation models is Mistral, a French AI start-up, which has raised concerns that the AI Act could deal a critical blow to the company. Germany, meanwhile, is feeling the pressure from its own AI titan, Aleph Alpha, as fears loom about competitiveness with US and Chinese opponents.

The Spanish presidency tried to smooth things over with the European Parliament, but attempts remain deadlocked. With a deep revision of the regulation’s governance architecture and other critical aspects required, time is precious – and crucial to ensuring the AI Act passes.

Will Brussels lose out on setting the world’s international standard for regulating Artificial Intelligence? Can the deadlock be broken? The EU policymakers were expected to reach a political agreement by December 6th, but the dissension poses a threat to this timeline.

Will the AI Act be saved, or is it too late? Share your thoughts below and let’s hear your take on the EU’s AI rulebook.

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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