Heartthrobs at NIST plan to partner with RAND for AI research, yet Congress is mindful of the decision. The deal raises questions about the quality of science and complexity of AI governance.
NIST, a background player, is working to launch the AI Safety Institute, and the agency insists on uplifting the brand new AI framework it issued. But, all that glitters is not gold, whispers suggest that many concerns are not being addressed.
The current scandal claims that research aids from NIST could bypass open competition and be granted without public notice. The deal in the dark, while it cannot be confirmed, leads to concerns about fact and integrity.
Hear the scandal unravel! The anticipated partnership with RAND, renowned for work on Biden’s AI executive order and $15 million in grants, makes the plot ticklish. Their stakes with corporations could cloud the facts and deliver an ulterior motive.
Seek to include your thoughts and hear the ruckus talk. Tell us, do you believe that the alliance legitimizes or tarnishes the foundation of AI research? Bring your scandals and theories, fans! Open the conversation to the crowd, and we’ll unravel every rumor!
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