HomeAI NewsYou won't believe how much Apple is paying to train their AI

You won’t believe how much Apple is paying to train their AI


Hey there, tech enthusiasts! If you thought Apple was just focused on sleek designs and snazzy gadgets, think again. The tech giant is gearing up to take on the world of AI in a big way, and it’s got some intriguing plans for how it’s going to do it.

**Training AI Responsibly:**

Forget scraping the wild, wild web for data – Apple is taking a different approach. Instead, the company has reportedly reached out to major publishers to secure multi-million dollar deals for training its AI model on news articles. That’s right – we’re talking about licenses worth at least $50 million.

**The Pros and Cons:**

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to Apple’s approach. On one hand, learning from professional publishers means avoiding the fake news frenzy. But, it also means a smaller pool of information to draw from, potentially leading to gaps in knowledge for Apple’s generative AI.

**What’s the Plan, Apple?**

One major question mark here is what exactly Apple intends to do with its AI model. The company has been tight-lipped about its plans, leaving publishers guessing about whether they’re signing up to be Apple’s competitor or partner. Plus, Apple is putting the legal ball in the publishers’ court, making some of them wary of potential liabilities.

**A Different Kind of Partnership:**

While some publishers are skeptical, others see Apple’s approach as a breath of fresh air. Seeking permission and offering compensation stands in stark contrast to other AI companies who have run afoul of copyright laws.

**Final Thoughts:**

As the AI race heats up, it’s going to be fascinating to see how Apple’s unique approach pans out. Will it put the company at a rare competitive disadvantage, or will it be a game-changer? Only time will tell, but one thing’s for sure – Apple is shaking up the AI game in a big way.

Now that you’ve got the scoop, let us know your thoughts. Do you think Apple’s approach to training its AI model is a smart move, or could it end up backfiring? Comment below and join the conversation!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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