HomeAI ScienceAI and Satellite Images Expose Shocking Growth of Ocean Human Activity

AI and Satellite Images Expose Shocking Growth of Ocean Human Activity

AI Study Reveals Massive Unmapped Human Activity at Sea!

Welcome back! Have you ever wondered how much industrial activity goes on out at sea? Well, wonder no more! A brand new study is shedding light on the massive amounts of activity going on around us out in the ocean that we never knew about. It’s like a whole new world out there, and boy is it busy!

The study, published in Nature, used state-of-the-art machine learning and satellite imagery to create the very first global map of large vessels and offshore infrastructure. The results are absolutely staggering! Researchers found that a whopping 75% of industrial fishing vessels aren’t publicly tracked, and a quarter of transport and energy vessel activity is also unaccounted for. Where’s everyone going? What are they doing? It’s a total mystery!

The study uncovered much of this unmonitored fishing taking place around Africa and South Asia. That’s a big deal, especially when considering the impact on marine protected areas. Even more shocking is the fact that while fishing activity dropped by 12% due to the COVID-19 pandemic, energy development surged, with offshore wind turbines more than doubling!

This exciting new research is a game-changer. By revealing so much hidden ocean activity, it paints the most comprehensive public picture of the global industrial fishing industry ever. Plus, the technology used to make these discoveries is available to everyone. That’s right, it’s no longer just for those with deep pockets.

So what do you think, fellow adventurers? Does this make you wonder about all the things we haven’t yet discovered out at sea? Come on, let’s dive in and explore! And don’t forget to leave a comment below. We want to hear your thoughts on this fascinating new research!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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