HomeAI TechnologyArtificial Intelligence Takes Over News Anchoring? Can We Trust Them?

Artificial Intelligence Takes Over News Anchoring? Can We Trust Them?

**AI JOURNALISTS: Here to Stay, or Just a Fad?**

Hey there, news junkies! Have you heard about the latest craze in journalism? It’s AI-generated news anchors! That’s right, computers reading the news instead of actual human beings. The concept might sound out of this world, but according to experts, it’s a real thing that could be here to stay.

A trial run featuring an AI-generated news anchor has shown some potential, but with a few limitations. While AI may be great for delivering short news bulletins, experts are unsure if viewers will embrace a parasocial relationship with a virtual journalist. Can an AI personality inspire the same connection as a human news anchor?

One key question to ponder is whether it’s possible to completely eliminate human involvement from the news process. At present, a team of staff members works to check AI-generated scripts and ensures that only credible and accurate news stories make it to air. AI may struggle with finding newsworthy events on its own, as the test episode relied on stories unearthed and footage filmed by human journalists.

So, what do you think, dear reader? Can AI journalists become the new norm in the media industry, or is human input indispensable for reliable news reporting? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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