Renowned sci-fi writer Ted Chiang, the genius behind the blockbuster movie Arrival, is set to grace the stage on April 2, 2024, at 7 p.m. in Thomas Hall’s Tahoma Room. Get ready to be blown away as he dives deep into the realm of “Artificial Intelligence, Artifice, and Art.”
Chiang, hailed by Time Magazine as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People in AI, will challenge the very definition of intelligence itself. He will unravel the mysteries of synthetic text and imagery and explore whether these creations can truly be considered works of art.
Brought to you by the Dolliver NEH Project, the Catharine Gould Chism Fund for the Humanities, and the Department of Philosophy, this event promises to be a mind-bending journey through the fusion of technology and creativity.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to witness a true master at work! Join Chiang, the luminary in the world of sci-fi and AI, as he shares his profound insights that will no doubt spark spirited debates and revolutionize your thinking about the boundaries between art and artificial intelligence.
Be part of this captivating experience and engage with Chiang in a stimulating Q&A session after the lecture. Ask burning questions, share your thoughts, and dive even deeper into the world of AI and art.
The event is open to the public, with free admission. But remember, space is limited, so be sure to arrive early to secure your spot. For more details and updates, visit the Dolliver NEH Project website or reach out to the Department of Philosophy.
Now, the big question is: Are you ready to challenge your thoughts on AI and art? Leave a comment below and let us know your take on this intriguing topic!
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