HomeAI TechnologyArtificial Intelligence and the Spread of Disinformation

Artificial Intelligence and the Spread of Disinformation

Artificial Intelligence Used to Spread Disinformation

In recent years, the influence of artificial intelligence in shaping public opinion has become increasingly evident. A recent investigation by Recorded Future has revealed how AI models, most likely built by OpenAI, are being used to modify legitimate news articles to spread disinformation.

These modified articles were published on a network of websites called CopyCop in English and French, covering various contentious topics such as accusations of war crimes against Israel and divisive political debates in America. What set these articles apart was the use of AI to add a partisan bias, with some instructions to the AI model even visible in the modified content.

Evolution of Misinformation Tactics

The use of AI in spreading disinformation marks an evolution in tactics previously employed by entities like the KGB, as highlighted by Oleg Kalugin, a former KGB general. While the method of using genuine documents with modifications remains the same, technology has accelerated the process and made it harder to detect.

By leveraging large language models like ChatGPT to alter news articles, those behind the CopyCop network were able to push their agenda by manipulating the content to suit their narrative. The widespread reach of such disinformation campaigns poses a significant threat to public discourse and democratic processes.

The Role of Responsible AI Use

As the use of AI in spreading disinformation becomes more prevalent, there is a growing need for responsible AI use to prevent the misuse of technology for nefarious purposes. Ethical considerations and oversight mechanisms must be put in place to ensure that AI is used for the greater good rather than to manipulate and deceive.

It is imperative for both tech companies and regulatory bodies to work together to establish guidelines and standards for the ethical use of AI in content modification. By setting clear boundaries and holding accountable those who misuse AI for spreading disinformation, we can safeguard the integrity of information in the digital age.


As the world grapples with the challenges posed by the misuse of artificial intelligence in spreading disinformation, it is crucial for society to remain vigilant and proactive in addressing this issue. By fostering a culture of responsible AI use and promoting transparency in the deployment of technology, we can mitigate the harmful effects of misinformation and uphold the principles of truth and integrity in the digital realm.

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



AI Technology