HomeAI NewsChile Unveils Bold AI Strategy & Bill Inspired by UNESCO Guidelines

Chile Unveils Bold AI Strategy & Bill Inspired by UNESCO Guidelines

A New Era of AI Governance: Chile’s Pioneering Journey

In Pursuit of Responsible AI: Chile’s Legislative Framework

The Republic of Chile has embarked on a commendable journey toward the ethical and responsible management of Artificial Intelligence (AI), asserting itself as the pioneer not only in Latin America but globally. This initiative was catalyzed by the comprehensive insights derived from the Chilean AI Readiness Assessment Report, meticulously crafted under the auspices of UNESCO. The nation’s commitment to harnessing AI, while ensuring it serves as a boon rather than a bane to society, has led to the unveiling of Chile’s updated National AI Policy and action plan. Concurrently, a proposed AI law has been introduced, laying down the legal framework aimed at fostering an environment where AI development is both ethical and beneficial to humanity.


In partnership with the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, this endeavour seeks to comprehensively analyse and improve AI readiness in four countries in Latin America and Africa (Chile, Brazil, Senegal and Morocco), as part of a broader tranche of ongoing work with more than fifty countries around the world.


An Intersection of Ambition and Ethical Norms

The legislative proposition emanating from the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation is particularly noteworthy. It seeks to instill a culture of creation, innovation, and implementation of human-centered AI systems. The proposed law delineates a novel approach combining self-regulation with risk-based regulation, categorizing AI systems based on the level of risk they present. This nuanced methodology aligns seamlessly with international ethical standards, notably the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of AI, signifying Chile’s commitment to a global framework.

A Momentous Event: Catalyzing Dialogue and Action

The significance of the steps Chile has taken was underscored at a pivotal event held in La Moneda on the 2nd of May. Graced by the presence of luminaries such as Ms. Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General, and Ms. Aisén Etcheverry, Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation of Chile, the gathering was more than a mere announcement. It was a profound dialogue on the future of AI governance and an affirmation of Chile’s role as a leader in this domain.

Governance and Ethics at the Core

At the heart of Chile’s updated National AI Policy, as presented by Aisen Etcheverry, lies an unwavering focus on governance and ethical considerations. This policy evolution has been significantly informed by the UNESCO Readiness Assessment Methodology (RAM), a testament to Chile’s methodical approach in identifying and addressing governance gaps, incorporating a wide array of stakeholder perspectives.

Setting a Global Benchmark with UNESCO’s RAM

Chile’s stature as the first nation to implement and finalize UNESCO’s RAM is not merely a symbolic milestone. It underscores a tangible commitment to leading by example, providing invaluable insights and laying a blueprint for other nations contemplating a similar journey. The successful engagement with RAM has facilitated a concrete foundation upon which Chile’s AI aspirations can be actualized.

International Acclaim and Support

The international community, represented by figures such as Gabriela Ramos, UNESCO’s Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, has not been remiss in acknowledging Chile’s proactive engagement with AI governance. The tailored approach, underscored by the RAM, has enabled Chile to tailor its policies and legislation to harness AI’s potential while ensuring equitable, sustainable, and inclusive outcomes.

A Visionary Leadership

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay’s commendation of Chile’s endeavors reflects the international recognition of Chile’s leadership in ethical AI governance. Her accolades emphasize the global significance of Chile’s efforts and UNESCO’s pride in being a pivotal contributor to this pioneering journey.

A Collective Endeavor

Indeed, the event at La Moneda was a confluence of diverse stakeholders, including ministers, academic authorities, technology experts, and representatives from over 100 public services already engaging with AI. This collective endeavor highlights the collaborative spirit fueling Chile’s AI journey.

Towards a Future of Ethical AI: A Reflective Summary

Chile’s pioneering efforts in crafting a responsible AI governance framework mark a remarkable step forward in the global AI dialogue. The nation’s comprehensive approach, bolstered by international collaboration and alignment with UNESCO’s ethical guidelines, sets a commendable precedent. As nations worldwide navigate the complexities of AI deployment, Chile’s blueprint offers both inspiration and a practical framework for fostering an AI ecosystem that is ethical, sustainable, and human-centric.

Engaging with these developments poses an exciting opportunity for intellectual exploration and collaborative discourse. What insights can we glean from Chile’s approach to AI policy and legislation, and how might other regions adapt these strategies to their contexts? I encourage you to share your thoughts and perspectives in the comments below, fostering a rich dialogue on the future of ethical AI governance.

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