HomeAI Science"The Role of AI in Shaping Students' Career Paths" | Corsair

“The Role of AI in Shaping Students’ Career Paths” | Corsair

Future of Jobs in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance, students at Santa Monica College (SMC) are reevaluating their career choices in light of the potential impact of this cutting-edge technology on the job market. The emergence of AI as a personal aide in various environments has sparked discussions about the future of work and the creation of new majors in colleges.

The Impact of AI on Jobs

Reports indicate that AI has the potential to create 97 million jobs, while also raising concerns about the possible replacement of up to 300 million full-time positions. White-collar jobs with high entry rates are particularly at risk, leading to uncertainty about the overall impact of AI on employment.

Computer Science Majors’ Perspectives

Computer science majors like Joonseo Kim and David Oboyski at SMC see AI as an opportunity for growth and innovation in their field. Despite the potential job displacement in certain industries, AI also creates new roles and responsibilities that require specialized skills.

According to Kim, AI operates based on specific tasks without autonomous decision-making abilities, relying on human programmers for instruction. This unique programming allows AI to quickly learn and adapt to various tasks, revolutionizing the way technology functions in society.

AI’s Impact on Entertainment Industry

Apart from job markets, AI is also influencing the entertainment industry by enabling the creation of realistic images, videos, and art. While AI tools like ChatGTP and Canva enhance creative processes, concerns about ethical AI use and deep fake technology continue to be raised by industry professionals.

Future Prospects and Challenges

The integration of AI into various sectors raises questions about the balance between technological advancement and human creativity. While some students, like Eitiel Kohanzadeh, believe in the irreplaceable nature of human critical thinking skills, others, such as Leo Sperber, advocate for ethical guidelines to protect against AI misuse.

In this era of rapid technological growth, students like journalism major Etienne Dunoyer emphasize the importance of preserving the human touch in fields like journalism, underscoring the unique value that human creativity and empathy bring to professions.


The evolving landscape of AI presents both opportunities and challenges for students navigating the changing job market and educational landscape. As technology continues to reshape industries and redefine career paths, the collaboration between humans and AI opens up new avenues for innovation and growth in the workplace.

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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