HomeAI NewsBreaking: Gov. Newsom unveils shocking executive order to explore AI's dark secrets!

Breaking: Gov. Newsom unveils shocking executive order to explore AI’s dark secrets!

Governor Gavin Newsom is taking a leap into the future with his latest executive order. He’s making California the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) development, and he’s not holding back. The governor wants to study and understand every aspect of AI, from its uses to its risks, and he’s determined to educate the public along the way.

The executive order mandates state agencies and departments to analyze potential threats to California’s energy infrastructure through generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). This cutting-edge technology has the power to revolutionize the energy sector, but it also comes with its fair share of risks. Newsom’s office is not taking any chances and wants to ensure the safety and security of California’s energy infrastructure.

But it’s not just about analyzing risks. The executive order also emphasizes the need to educate the public about GenAI. The state agencies will issue guidelines for the public’s use, procurement, and training on GenAI. This means that Californians will have the opportunity to learn and benefit from this technology firsthand.

And Newsom’s vision doesn’t stop there. He wants to establish partnerships with prestigious institutions like the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford University to ensure that California remains at the forefront of AI innovation. By collaborating with these academic powerhouses, the state can harness their expertise to drive AI development and policies.

But what about the potential harms and risks? The executive order requires state departments to make a report on the uses of GenAI and its potential impacts on communities, governments, and state workers. Newsom’s office is determined to weigh the risks against the rewards and ensure that California remains safe and secure.

This executive order is a bold move for Governor Gavin Newsom. He’s putting California at the forefront of AI development and ensuring that the state remains a leader in this field. But what do you think? Are you excited about the potential of AI? Or are you concerned about the risks it poses? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here



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