HomeAI BusinessFind out how traditional companies are failing in the AI race!

Find out how traditional companies are failing in the AI race!


Forget the hyperbolic visions of a robot takeover. According to fresh research, traditional organizations need to get their AI act together and fast. A new report from Silo AI reveals how these old-school players are facing significant stumbles and setbacks in their hopes to incorporate artificial intelligence into their operations. The study paints a not-so-pretty picture, indicating that many companies are struggling to align their AI initiatives with their overall business strategies.

Silo AI poked around in various companies, old and new, and the results ain’t exactly a walk in the park. A whopping 70% of these firms have dabbled with artificial intelligence through experiments or development projects, with a mere 15% confident that these dabblings will bear fruit within the next year. But, and there’s always a but with these things, almost half of these attempts at AI integration are falling flat, with none of these garages achieving runaway success.

So, what’s the deal? The survey pinpointed some roadblocks hindering these legacy players. One major issue is the absence of clear strategies and designated execs who can reign in the data whizzbangery. Many don’t have a C-level rep steering the ship for data and AI management, and most projects aren’t centralized under the big dog’s nose. It’s a free-for-all and it’s not exactly leading to tech utopia.

Don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom. Silo AI ain’t just here to spill the tea, it’s got some advice. They’re shouting from the rooftops that companies need to get their game faces on, pronto. They’re nodding in agreement with the need for a C-suite honcho to wrangle the AI circus and suggesting clear business goals as the bread and butter of any successful AI venture.

Airing dirty laundry has never been classy, but there’s no shame in admitting you’ve got a mountain to climb. Is AI integration essential for these timeworn organizations? Do you think they can get their acts together and successfully incorporate AI into their operations? Comment your thoughts below!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here


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