HomeAI TechnologyYou won't believe what MSU is using to keep students safe!

You won’t believe what MSU is using to keep students safe!

BREAKING NEWS: MSU Implements High-Tech Surveillance System to Monitor Campus Activity

In a bold move to enhance campus security, Michigan State University (MSU) is rolling out a cutting-edge surveillance system powered by artificial intelligence. The new technology will enable real-time monitoring of doors, elevators, and other crucial areas on campus. Thanks to this upgrade, officials will be able to automatically verify card-access picture IDs against live video streams of individuals attempting to enter campus buildings.

**Sophisticated Monitoring Capabilities**

Dubbed the Genetec system, this revolutionary technology includes a range of features designed to bolster security. License-plate reader cameras will track vehicles across campus and flag any suspect vehicles by adding them to a “hotlist.” Furthermore, the system will automatically focus security cameras on any perimeter breaches, detect specific objects or stopped vehicles, and even count crowd numbers using deep-learning models. The authorities will have access to a live dashboard, allowing them to monitor events in real-time.

**Privacy Concerns**

While the implementation of advanced surveillance technology is making strides in improving campus security, it has raised concerns about privacy. According to Mark Ackerman, a University of Michigan professor specializing in human-technology interaction, AI-based surveillance systems may exhibit accuracy issues in low light conditions and demonstrate biases against minorities. There are also concerns that the technology may identify suggested threats, such as individuals known to participate in protests, rather than actual threats.

**Thoughts from the Student Body**

Undergraduate student-government vice president Devin Woodruff emphasized the importance of security cameras for students seeking a sense of safety following last year’s tragic shooting. However, Woodruff expressed unease about the use of AI technology, citing concerns about potential discrimination. As a Black student, he is wary of any biases that may arise from the system’s implementation.

**Join the Discussion**

What are your thoughts on MSU’s new AI-powered surveillance system? Do you believe the benefits of enhanced security outweigh the privacy concerns? Share your opinion in the comments below! Engage with us in a lively discussion about the intersection of technology, security, and privacy on campus. Let your voice be heard!

IntelliPrompt curated this article: Read the full story at the original source by clicking here


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